Our LMS Modules and Features

  1. User management module:

    1.1 Custom registeration and login flows and validation processes

    1.2 integration with sexternal login providers like facebook, google and microsoft

    1.3 SSO Integration and support for common protocols (OAuth, Auth2, Openid, Active Directory)

    1.4 Customized profile management and profile completion pages

    1.5 Customized profile validation and onboarding

    1.6 Manage roles and users in the system. A user is allowed to have multiple roles.

    1.7 Set permissions in role and user levels.

    1.8 Enable/disable two factor authentication and user lockout per user.

    1.9 View security logs (login, logout, change password...) in the system.

    1.10 Support create custom organization units with roles and permissions in the system.

    1.11 Export & Import users to/from Excel and CSV files (also supports importing external users).

  2. Segmentation and Targeted groups

    23.1 Owners can groups of targeted users (segments) based on thier Role, Age, Interest.

    23.2 You can customize create custom learning experince and plans per segement.

    23.3 You can customize learning progress reports per segment.

    23.4 You can customize management processes per segment.

  3. Course management

    2.1 Create online (self-paced) courses, editable course description, level, language and learning outcomes and much more customization fields

    2.2 Create offline (instructor-led) courses managed by certified training centers

    2.3 Create online (instructor-led) courses where trainess and students can interact with instructor inside interactive classroom

    2.4 Create online/offline learning paths and programs with multi levels, and make sure trainess pass exams at each level.

    2.5 Customized learning catalog: organize your courses, programs and session within diferent categories

    2.6 Full access control on courses and programs, supprting free content and restricted content

    2.7 Track users learning progress.

    2.8 Support wide range of learning content (Videos, PDF, Powerpoint, Live Sessions, Quizzes, Articles).

    2.9 SEO support by adding keywords and meta details to your content.

  4. Exams module

    3.1 Create customized exams (time, attendance type, pass mark, number of questions)

    3.2 Add diffrent type of questions to exams (single choice, multiple choice, free text, file upload)

    3.3 Organize and add question banks

    3.4 Random questions selection for exam. either from direct questions or question banks

    3.5 support multiple attempts for exams.

    3.6 exams report

    3.7 Customizable exams page (show correct answers, show quesions hints, add flags to mark questions)

  5. Enrollment, Subscription and Payment

    4.1 Customizable enrollments workflow and subscription plans.

    4.2 Set expiration times for enrollments and subscriptions.

    4.3 group related products with subscription groups and enrollment options.

    4.4 support variuos types of payments and integration options (Online payment, offline payments, installments).

    4.5 Add packages and discounts for products.

    4.6 Control access from devices (Web, Mobile) and number of allowed devices per trainee

    4.7 Enrollments reports per Course, Instructor, Category, Dates..etc.

    4.8 User-Friendly adminitration pages to manage all enrollements, subscriptios, reports, packages and discounts, devices.

    4.9 Support localized currencies.

  6. Certificates

    6.1 Customize certificates creation with Certificate Template Builder.

    6.2 Generate certificate from customized templates

    6.3 Unique serial number per certificate

    6.4 QR code for certificates

    6.5 Download certificates by QR Code

    6.7 Export PDF Certificates

    6.8 Set expiration time for certificates

    6.9 Activate/Deactivate Certificates

  7. Webinars and live meetings

    7.1 Create and Schedule online 1-1 or groupe meetings and Webinars

    7.2 Interactive meeting player support Chat, Screen sharing, Whiteboards, Documents sharing, live polls

    7.3 Create subscriptions and add payment options for meetings and webinars

    7.4 Cross platform access (Mobile, Desktop)

    7.5 Save recordings for meetings.

    7.6 control access for meetings using secure meeting links and passwords.

  8. Documents and Library System

    8.1 Upload learning docs on system storage.

    8.2 Control access to documents (Allow Download/View Only).

    8.3 Categorize your documents in library.

    8.4 learners can access library, search, filter documents.

    8.5 show statistics (Views Count, Download Count)

  9. Survays

    9.1 This module provides a beautiful way of form based information collection with minimum effort.

    9.2 you can create surveys, manage event registrations, collect email addresses for a newsletter

    9.3 It's similar to the Google Forms application. You can dynamically create forms and send them to people.

    9.4 You get instant results as they come in. And, you can export the results to a CSV file.

    9.5 Forms is responsive, means it’s easy to make, edit, and respond to forms on screens big and small screens.

    9.6 Free text where people can write a paragraph

    9.7 Selecting a single option from a dropdown or from a radio button list

    9.8 Selecting multiple options from a checkbox list

  10. Chat

    10.1 Real-time messaging on chat page.

    10.2 Search users in application for new conversations.

    10.3 Contact list for recent conversations.

    10.4 New message notifications when user is looking at another page.

    10.5 Total unread message count badge on menu icon.

    10.6 Unread message count for each conversation.

    10.7 Lazy loaded conversations.

  11. Discussions and Collaboration

    11.1 Enable discussion boards for Programs, Courses, Sessions or Lessons

    11.2 learners and instructors can have interactive collaboration and discussions related to learning content on dicussing boards.

    11.3 comments, vote up and reactions are supported on discussion boards

  12. Forums and Communities.

    12.1 Create private/public communities and forums related to specific categories or topics

    12.2 Controll access to forums and communities based on users profils, segments or enrollments

    12.3 Interactive discussion tools (rich editors to format thier questions and posts), comments, replies and reactions support

    12.4 Content moderation and administration control

    12.5 Support submisisons and approvals workflow for Pages, Posts and Comments

  13. Blogs and Articles

    22.1 Allows to create multiple blogs in a single application.

    22.2 Allows to write comment for a post.

    22.3 Allows to assign tags to the blog posts.

    22.4 Supports rich text editor with the ability to add images, videos, and other media.

    22.5 Supports the Markdown format and html/css pages.

  14. Rating and Feedback

    13.1 Support feedback survays on learning content when learners complete/access content.

    13.2 Support 5 stars ratings for learning content, products, and services

    13.3 Support free form rating and feedback.

    13.4 Rating and Feedback Reports

  15. Calendar and Events

    14.1 Schedule events on the platfomsmanage single or recurring events based on recurring patterns and ranges.

    14.2 Calendar system show learning and events schedule for users.

    14.3 publish learning events, courses dates, lessons schedule on users calendar

    14.4 User-Freindly calendar page to track next events and sessions

  16. Knowledge base and FAQs

    15.1 Organize common knowledge base for learners.

    15.2 Add Common FAQs for platfor, courses, sessions, events, or exams.

  17. Integration

    16.1 support integration with any content or service provider

    16.2 support configuring webhooks

    16.3 Rich APIs for most of the paltform moduless

  18. Reports

    17.1 Customized reports per need

    17.2 Export reports and data as excel or pdf

  19. Logs and Monitoring

    18.1 Integration with loggin providers Azure Application Insight, Elastic Search, Datadog ..etc.

    18.2 Secure logging

    18.3 APIs monitoring and metrics

  20. Auditing

    19.1 URL, Browser, IP address, client name,

    19.2 The user,

    19.3 HTTP method, HTTP return status code,

    19.4 Success/failure, exception details if available,

    19.5 Request execution duration,

    19.6 The entities have been created, deleted or updated in this request (with changed properties).

  21. Multi-Lingual support and language management

    20.1 Dynamically add or remove languages.

    20.2 Dynamically change all texts on the UI.

    20.3 Add, remove, update the languages.

    20.4 Enable / disable a language.

    20.5 Change the default language.

  22. Settings Management

    21.1 Dynamicly manage platform settings at runtime without code changes or new deployments.

    22.2 User-Friendly UI for manage platform settings.

    22.3 Dynamically manage user preferences and settings.

  23. Notifications

    24.1 Customized notifications managed by Administrators and Users preferences.

    24.2 Support multiple notification channels (Mobile, Web, Emails, SMS)

    24.3 User-Friendly notifications pop-up and lists

    24.4 Users can mark notifications as read or delete them.

  24. Tickets

    25.1 Receive and manage users requests though tickiting system.

    25.2 Create dynamic ticketing forms

    25.3 Assign agents/employees for tickets

    25.4 Track tickets status and progress

In this document